route 1: Horio - Xaplovouni - Ag. Nikolas - Karras - Goupa

duration: 2 hours

degree of difficulty: easy



Start from the central square of Horio and walk  in the direction of Psathi. At the baker’s,  take the left fork and just after you pass the Farmers’ Association building,  turn left, following the orange arrows. From here to the top of the hill the paved path is one of the most beautiful in the island, maintained in  excellent condition. Shortly  before you reach the top, turn right  to visit the chapel of Pantokratoras. The chapel itself is usually  closed, but  the  spectacular view of the east coast and  Polyaigos will reward you for your effort.

Continue along  to the derelict windmills. This region is named Xaplovouni, which is thought to be a corruption of  the word Klapsovouni, the hill of tears, since, according to tradition,  sailors’wives  went there to look for the boats returning and cry, longing for their men. As it is evident from the many threshing floors and half-ruined windmills, in the past this area was the scene of  constant busy activity.

If you do not have enough time, from the windmills you can go down to the other side of Horio. If you wish  to  continue,  turn right and  proceed along the stone wall  in the same direction, with the quarries  of  Prasssa in the distance. After 300m, you start to go down towards the petrol station. The road, which in winter turns into a stream, is not in the best condition, as it is not used anymore.

Cross the road and you come to Ag. Nikolaos. Continue along the coast to the south, first on a path and then on a dirt-road leading to  Horio. If you are not too tired,  we suggest you cut off to the left a little before  Ag. Nektarios, and go down to the sea (a swim would be an excellent idea) and then continue along the coast through the picturesque houses and past the boat-house caves of Goupa. You can return  from the main road. 


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